This article was published in the June 2024 edition of UAWD’s newsletter, Members Voice. Read the full newsletter here.

by BEN HINSEY, UAW Local 12 — Since the contract ratification, Stellantis has been trying to demoralize us. They have used the safety policies in a draconian manner to harass workers. They have issued discipline for failure to use certain safety gear while also failing to provide other safety equipment. They have stepped up their enforcement of their blanket ban on personal listening devices. Generally, they have been skipping progressive discipline steps and promoting a negative work environment. All while using emergency status to force more overtime.

Workers at Toledo Assembly Complex are not just accepting it, we are fighting back. We have started a campaign to file major safety grievances, the biggest being about the leaky roof. Roof leaks affect the safety of almost every person in the plant but the biggest issue is when water puddles in the traffic lanes of industrial vehicles. The forklift and tuggers wheels are not designed to handle water so the vehicles can become uncontrollable instantly. The roof is home to a colony of seagulls and all the water leaking filters through their refuse. It makes the occasional drip that lands on workers nauseating to think about.

We were inspired by the major safety grievances at Warren Stamping Plant. After filing grievances and voting to authorize a strike to enforce them, members of UAW Local 869 report the company has agreed to spend millions to settle the grievances. These included the leaking roof, ventilation, oil contamination, and unsanitary restrooms.

I am right there with members who have been disappointed by a lack of leadership from the Stellantis department for months. But the department just switched hands, and its new leader, Shawn Fain, has been vocal in his commitment to take on Stellantis. We may have an opportunity to get some of these important issues solved, but only if we step up and do our part as members.