No Corruption.
No Tiers.
No Concessions!
UAWD Priority amendments and resolutions
for the 38th UAW Constitutional Convention
The following are UAWD’s priority amendments and resolutions for the UAW Constitutional Convention in July 2022.
All have been submitted to the International Secretary-Treasurer to be considered at Convention, but vote of 15% of delegates may then still be required to bring them to the floor for a vote at Convention.
View each individual resolution or amendment’s draft text and talking points below.
To Build a Fighting Rank-and-File Union
1. Reject Tiers—Amendment to Article 19
Prohibits the negotiation of tiered wages, benefits, or post-employment income and benefits in all UAW contracts, a practice that has severely divided and weakened our union.
2. Increase Strike Pay—Amendment to Article 50
Increases weekly strike pay benefits from $275 to at least $400 and begins calculating strike pay from Day 1, not Day 8, strengthening workers’ most powerful tool to improve our lives.
3. For a Sustainable Strike Fund—Amendment to Article 16
Strengthens the sustainability of the UAW Strike and Defense Fund primarily by retaining within the strike fund the interest and earnings on investments received by the strike fund, as well as a higher percentage of the rebate that would otherwise be transferred out of the strike fund to the international union.
4. Resolution for Aggressive Worker-Led New Organizing in Electric Vehicles
Recognizes the scale of the threat to our union posed by a non-unionized electric vehicle (EV) sector, as well as the non-unionized traditional automotive sector, and calls for making new organizing an aggressive and well-resourced priority of the UAW. Reflecting on the causes of past failed organizing drives in auto, it also calls for a more effective worker-led approach to new organizing drives.
To Promote Union Democracy and Accountability
5. Ranked Choice Voting for IEB Positions—Constitutional Amendment
Delegates will vote on whether to use ranked choice voting vs. holding a second run-off election if/when IEB candidates do not win an outright majority, as required by the UAW Constitution to be elected. Ranked choice voting affects an instant run-off through a single election, reducing the potentially massive additional expense, time and risk of lower turnout of holding a run-off election by mail.
6. Retiree Eligibility for IEB Elections—Amendment to Article 10
The UAW Constitution is clear: retirees, like all other UAW members in good standing, are eligible to run for the IEB. However, the UAW Monitor left the question of retirees’ eligibility to someone who had a clear conflict of interest: the current UAW President running for reelection—who decided to disqualify retirees from running, thus making several of his declared opponents ineligible.
7. IEB Salary Transparency—Amendment to Article 11
Increases the transparency of IEB salaries by reverting to an explicitly stated salary schedule, as in the pre-2014 Constitution, rather than listing IEB salaries as a multiplier of international staff salaries. It also mostly reverses the 30% IEB salary increase that was enacted at the 2018 Constitutional Convention.
To Create a Stronger and More Diverse UAW
8. Resolution on Fighting Discrimination To Build a Strong and Unified UAW
Calls for us to build unity and strengthen our union by restating the UAW’s historic commitment to civil and human rights, taking more concrete and effective steps to fight discrimination and harassment in our workplaces, as well as by closing the gap in representation in UAW leadership as well as in occupations such as the skilled trades.
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2022 Convention
Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a grassroots movement of UAW members united in the common goal of creating a more democratic and accountable union.
Follow what we're fighting for at the 2022 UAW Constitutional Convention.