The Rules Committee Report passed without amendment at the 2023 Bargaining Convention. The number of delegates referenced in rules 9, 10, and 11 were updated as follows:
9. Resolutions
Resolutions submitted by local unions shall be reported out of committee as the first order of business in their next report when requested by 98 regular delegates [15% of total delegates]. The Chairperson will ask for a show of hands when requested.
10. Closing Debate
It shall require at least 33 regular delegates [5% of total delegates] to move the previous question.
11. Roll Call Vote
a. It shall require at least 228 regular delegates [35% of total delegates] to move a roll call vote on any question.
With the support of UAWD, Local 2322 member David Pritchard proposed an amendment to rule 10 to raise the voting threshold to end debate, which did not pass. Also with the support of UAWD, Local 281 member Nolan Tabb proposed an amendment to rule 9 to lower the voting threshold to bring resolutions out of committee onto the floor for debate, which did not pass.
Please see the Convention Rules distributed to delegates below or download here: