We are Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), a national network of rank-and-file UAW members who are organizing to take on our employers, challenge concessions, and clean up the union. One of our first goals is to trigger a specially called national union convention so we can amend the UAW Constitution and mandate the direct election of our top officials through a “one member, one vote” system—just like the Steelworkers, Machinists, and Teamsters have. Just as important, we are using this campaign to build UAWD into a powerful force to transform our union, from the bottom-up.
Forcing the International Union to hold a special convention is a three-step process. That process is laid out in Article 8, Section 4 of the UAW Constitution. (Posted below)
Step One: Passing Local Resolutions
To start the process, at least fifteen (15) local unions from at least five (5) different states that have an aggregate membership of not less than twenty (20) percent of the total membership as reported to the preceding Convention must pass the resolution. That means that locals with a combined total of about 79,000 members must pass the resolution.
The resolution must have exact wording about the reason why the resolution is being called, the place and date it will be held, and the dates for mailing out and returning ballots for the membership-wide special convention referendum, which is the second step of the process. We have a template resolution that all locals should use, because the exact wording is crucially important.
Step Two: A National Membership Referendum
If enough locals pass resolutions, then the UAW’s International Executive Board will send out the materials to the local unions and they will be required to hold a secret ballot election on the question of whether to have a special convention. If a majority of ballots cast are in favor of a special convention, then the union is required to organize it.
Step Three: Electing Local Convention Delegates
The number of delegates afforded each local is determined by the number of dues paying members as outlined in Article 8, Section 9. Those delegates will be elected by members of the local union under the same process we use for the UAW Constitutional Convention every four years.
Organizing Kit