As updated by the UAWD membership at the Quarterly Membership Meeting on June 23, 2024.
Unite All Workers for Democracy Movement (UAWD) in the UAW consists of active and retired UAW members in good standing, committed to our union’s founding traditions of democracy, accountability, and solidarity.
We believe that our Union must be run by officers directly elected by its members, in an environment that celebrates the competition of ideas between candidates and slates, allowing, and inviting, members to make real choices between different approaches to the challenges facing our Union. With direct elections and competition for UAW members’ votes, our International Union will become stronger and more committed to our UAW membership. UAWD arises from its commitment to the direct and competitive election of all UAW officers, as the mark of our trust in the UAW membership to choose strong, diverse, vibrant leaders, dedicated to maintaining a democratic union.
Our Union must defend our members from corporate attacks. Only a strong union firmly rooted in the principles of democracy can coordinate this struggle to regain past concessions and prepare the membership to resist future exploitation.
We need a union controlled by an informed membership, not one under the domination of a one-party political caucus concerned primarily with its own political self-preservation.
We need a union leadership that truly understands that “an injury to one is an injury to all.” We need leaders committed to developing strategies and willing to work with like-minded allies to stand up against all assaults on workers’ basic rights across the United States and beyond. In a time of ever-increasing globalization, and with corporations exploiting labor all over the world, our Union’s leaders must understand the monumental challenges we face and have the courage to confront those challenges head-on.
The struggle to create a socially and economically just society cannot be won without such a labor leadership. Through the UAWD Movement, we believe that our union can once again be at the forefront of that struggle.
Article I: Name
This organization will be known as the Unite All Workers for Democracy, hereinafter referred to as UAWD.
Article II: Object
UAWD’s first priority is for all UAW members to win the right to directly elect all UAW officers of all local unions, regions, and the International Executive Board, on a one member, one vote basis.
To secure and maintain a better Union, an informed and empowered membership, and the democratic direct election of strong, well-qualified, and honest leaders to all of our Union offices, at every level of the UAW, UAWD works now and will continue to work to strengthen the UAW from within. UAWD is a member-driven caucus administered by its own directly elected officers. UAWD will offer educational programs on a regular basis on such subjects as the organization, governance, and history of the UAW; the obligations of labor unions and their officers and employees to union members using the UAW Constitution.
The UAWD will create opportunities for its members to apply and practice leadership, governance, and organizing skills by creating capable, educated, and experienced leaders within the rank-and-file membership, qualified to assume union office and exercise union power wisely, effectively, and honestly.
UAWD advocates for an engaged membership and transparent and accountable leaders with both members and leaders committed to a vibrant internal democracy within the Union. These values compel elimination of the current one-party state system, because it makes democratic competition in campaigns for the direct membership election of all, union officers effectively impossible. UAWD believes that direct membership election of officers is the only effective means for returning union power to the Union’s highest authority, the membership.
UAWD believes in holding all of our Union leaders accountable to the Union’s membership. UAWD demands fair, honest, lawful, and accountable union representation on our jobs, in grievance proceedings, in collective bargaining, in union officer elections and election campaigns, and in all interactions of any kind between union and employer representatives.
UAWD does not advocate either secession from the International UAW, or dual unionism.
UAWD advocates holding our UAW leaders politically accountable, directly to UAW members, as well as legally, if appropriate, for misrepresentation or misconduct at the bargaining table or other unethical, inappropriate, or unlawful interaction with employers that is contrary to the best interests of the membership.
UAWD will work with other organizations and people who support organized labor’s democratic unions, and the principles of these By-Laws.
Article III: Members
All UAW members in good standing are eligible to become members of UAWD. However, the organization reserves the right to exclude those who are opposed to the principles within these bylaws. All UAWD members have a right to attend the UAWD Annual National Meeting. All UAWD members who are in attendance and in good standing have the right to vote and the right to speak on all matters brought before the Annual National Meeting.
Section 2: Equality and Non-Discrimination
UAWD shall not discriminate in admission to or expulsion from membership, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, age, marital status, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, immigration status or and status as a veteran. UAWD shall treat all union members equally and respectfully, and as the dignified persons we know them to be. We shall do so both within and beyond our Union.
Section 3: UAWD Code of Conduct
The following are expectations for conduct in UAWD meetings, whether we are meeting virtually or in-person, as well as UAWD virtual communication platforms, such as Slack or Facebook groups. We expect UAWD members and non-member participants alike to abide by them. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of expectations, but a basic starting point.
- Expectations regarding respect and good faith: We will be respectful to other participants in the meeting or discussion space. We expect all participants to act in good faith, and to engage respectfully in discussion and debate.
- Expectations regarding how we speak to one another: We will not disrupt meetings, or interrupt people when they are speaking. We will speak respectfully with fellow participants—for instance, avoiding yelling, cursing, or insulting others. We will also strive to leave enough time for all participants to speak and will refrain from dominating the conversation at the expense of others.
- Expectations regarding discriminatory behavior and speech: We will refrain from engaging in hateful or discriminatory behavior or speech including but not limited to racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and/or ageist behavior or speech. If we see others engaging in such behavior or speech, we will seek to educate them about the impact of their behavior or speech, and assume good intentions unless there is reason to believe otherwise. However, we will not tolerate harassment and abusive behavior.
- Expectations of meeting facilitators: Meeting facilitators will strive to facilitate meetings in such a manner as to promote respectful discussion and engagement. Facilitators will seek to de-escalate conflict and discourage disrespectful behavior. They may provide a warning to any participants who do not adhere to the code of conduct. Depending on the severity of the conduct, they may also choose to remove them from the meeting. Similarly, facilitators on virtual communication platforms will seek to promote respectful discussion, to de-escalate conflict, to issue warnings, and if necessary, remove participants.
Spirited debate is the hallmark of any democratic organization. It creates an environment for creativity and developing innovative ideas to put forth the best possible solutions to any adversity it may face. In order for us to reap the benefits of democracy, we have to create and maintain a peaceful environment to allow for free speech and expression and for the emergence of different points of views on all topics confronting our organization. Therefore, this Code of Conduct was developed to ensure that all members and supporters are treated with the utmost respect at all times.
Section 4: Membership Fee and Participation
All members of UAWD are required to pay a membership fee. UAWD is an activist organization and as such, relies on our members to take an active part in UAWD and in our Union. This includes distribution of literature, recruitment of potential members, and activities inside our Union.
Section 5: Support of UAWD Candidates
UAWD members are encouraged to support UAWD candidates who run for UAW office. Those candidates who are elected as UAW officers are encouraged to continue to advocate for the advancement of UAWD, and the principles outlined within these bylaws. We will promote and adhere to the highest principles of unionism. UAWD will fight to win the rights of all UAW members to free and fair elections at every level of our union.
Section 6: International Executive Board (IEB) UAW Candidates
UAWD and its members shall collectively endorse and support UAW International Executive Board (IEB) candidates, including UAW-wide national positions and Regional Directors. Members are encouraged to support the candidates endorsed through the democratic endorsement processes of UAWD. A goal of UAWD is to obtain a majority on the UAW IEB.
Article IV: Annual National Meeting
The membership, at National Meetings, is the highest authority of UAWD. All UAWD members in attendance at the UAWD Annual National Meeting shall have voice and vote. Decisions, including the election of UAWD Steering Committee Officers, will be made by UAWD members by a simple majority (50% plus one), unless expressly provided elsewhere in these bylaws.
Section 1: Quorum
Those UAWD members in attendance at the Annual National Meeting shall constitute a quorum for that meeting.
Section 2: Agenda
1. Call to order.
2. Officer roll call.
3. Financial Report.
4. Communications and Bills.
5. Nominations of UAWD Steering Committee Officers.
6. Proposed By-Laws resolutions.
7.Committee reports.
8. Officer reports.
9. Election of UAWD Steering Committee Officers
10. Unfinished business.
11. New business.
12. Adjournment.
Section 3: Rules of Order
All questions of parliamentary nature shall be decided by Robert’s Rule of Order.
Section 4: Unforeseen circumstances
In the event of unforeseen circumstances that impact organizing an Annual National Meeting, the UAWD Steering Committee shall explore alternative options with any committees that have been formed to organize the Annual National Meeting. Resolutions or amendments to the bylaws under these circumstances shall be made in writing via U.S. Postal Service, or email, to the Recording Secretary, Chairperson or Co-chairperson fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual National Meeting, to allow a vote at the Annual National Meeting.
Section 5: General Membership Meetings
UAWD will hold three (3) General Membership Meetings, one per quarter, between each Annual National Meeting. These should generally occur at intervals of approximately three months and the Steering Committee will set the exact dates at least one month prior. The Steering Committee or the membership at the Annual or a General Meeting may postpone these meetings to a specifically stated date.
In addition to any business brought by the Steering Committee, each General Membership Meeting must consider New Business brought by any UAWD member.
Any resolution a member would like considered shall be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the convening of the meeting.
The Steering Committee should circulate all resolutions that have been submitted for consideration to the membership at least three (3) days prior to the convening of the meeting.
Bylaws amendments may be proposed at a General Membership Meeting following the procedure in Article IX.
Section 6: Special Membership Meeting
When urgent decisions are required of the UAWD Membership a Special General Membership Meeting may be called for expressly written purpose(s). A Special General Membership Meeting may be called by a majority of the UAWD Steering Committee or by 20% of UAWD members in good standing.
In the following instances, Special General Membership Meetings, scheduled by the Steering Committee or a membership vote, shall be held for the purpose of considering strike and bargaining strategy:
- During a strike over a contract covering at least 25,000 UAW members, a Special General Membership Meeting shall be called within the first week of the strike and every other week thereafter, unless canceled by a resolution at a Membership Meeting.
- When a tentative agreement is proposed for a contract covering at least 25,000 UAW members, a Special General Membership Meeting shall be called within the first week after the announcement of the agreement and with ample time before voting on the agreement begins. Before voting on any motion regarding a tentative agreement, a straw poll shall be taken of the UAWD members who are covered by the tentative agreement, in order to inform the UAWD membership.
If at least 20 members petition to do so, a Special General Membership Meeting shall be held for the purpose of considering strike and bargaining strategy at a shop of any size.
The Steering Committee shall notify the UAWD membership as soon as a Special General Membership Meeting is scheduled and, at that time, shall solicit resolutions for the purpose of considering strike and bargaining strategy from the membership for the meeting. Any resolution submitted to the Steering Committee at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will be distributed to the membership prior to the meeting, with as much notice as possible. Resolutions pertinent to the purpose of the meeting that have not been submitted in advance will still be eligible for consideration at a Special General Membership Meeting.
Article V: Organizational Structure
Section 1: General Structure
The Unite All Workers for Democracy Movement shall be comprised of individual members and a UAWD Steering Committee. The highest policy-making body of UAWD will be at the Annual National Meeting. The UAWD Steering Committee will be elected at the Annual National Meeting and shall govern and see to it the implementation of UAWD policies and programs between Annual National Meetings. In order to carry out the objectives of UAWD, Local and Regional organizers may establish Chapters, as detailed in Article VII below. A goal of UAWD is to organize members to establish and grow these Chapters as soon as practical.
Section 2: UAWD Committees
a. Permanent, staffed committees: The following committees will meet regularly, be supported by staff, and chaired by members of the Steering Committee or staff:
- Organizing Committee (OC): The OC will meet regularly and deliberate and make short-term organizing decisions, reporting to the UAWD membership. The SC or membership may set a criteria for OC membership, based on organizing engagement, though OC meetings will remain open to all UAWD members.
b. Permanent, unstaffed committees: The following committees will not be regularly supported by staff, though staff may be called on by the SC to support some of their efforts or operations. The UAWD members participating in the committee will vote on co-chairs for these committees, from UAWD members who have nominated themselves to co-chairing the committee. These committees may remain dormant without meeting regularly when they do not have co-chairs:
- Communication Committee: Will lead decision-making for our website, social media, other external communications, and internal UAWD communications.
- Convention Resolutions Committee: When applicable, will facilitate the drafting of resolutions based on UAWD’s Platform and other membership resolutions.
- Diversity Committee: Will promote diversity within UAWD membership and leadership, seek to create an inclusive caucus culture, and advocate for equitable and approaches to our UAW-wide organizing.
- Education Committee: Will oversee educational programs for UAW members, as described in Article II.
- Electric Vehicles Organizing Committee: Will develop UAWD’s strategy for organizing within the electric vehicle sector and organize rank-and-file auto workers around shop floor EV issues.
c. Ad hoc, unstaffed committees: These will not be regularly supported by staff; the SC will not be responsible for facilitating them, though may be involved in their work if they are in operation:
- Topic-specific ad hoc committees of UAWD members may convene and are encouraged to coordinate with relevant committees above and inform the Steering Committee about their meeting times, so that they can be publicized.
- Any group of UAWD members may petition the SC at any time to form a committee, which can later become a permanent committee through a Bylaws amendment.
Article VI: UAWD Steering Committee
Section 1: Structure
The UAWD Steering Committee shall be comprised of eleven (11) members. This number will be subject to the approval of the UAWD National Meeting on an annual basis.
It is intended that the UAWD Steering Committee composition be such that all major industrial and occupational sectors of UAW membership be represented, and that the UAWD Steering Committee composition reflect an unequivocal commitment to racial, ethnic, and gender representation on the part of that body and UAWD as a whole.
Section 2: Officers
The UAWD Steering Committee will include one (1) Chairperson, one (1) Co-Chair, one (1) Recording Secretary, one (1) Financial Secretary/Treasurer, two (2) Trustees, two (2) Retirees, and three (3) Members-at-Large. The hierarchy of officers for the purpose of temporary vacancies shall be the order as listed above in this Section.
Section 3: Elections
No later than one month prior to the meeting at which a Steering Committee election is being held, a notice of the election shall be sent out to the UAWD membership. Each member in good standing, as a UAWD member and a UAW member, shall be given the ability to nominate themselves or any other member for any position.
Nominations shall close two weeks prior to the meeting. Nominated members shall be notified and allowed to accept or reject their nomination and submit a candidate statement within 5 days after the close of nominations. If a member is nominated for more than one UAWD Steering Committee position, they may accept the nomination for only one position.
A list of all candidates who have accepted their nomination, along with their submitted statements, shall be sent out to the UAWD membership at least one week prior to the election meeting. At this time, access to a written candidate forum shall also be shared with the UAWD membership. Any UAWD member shall be permitted to post their thoughts about any candidate.
Either at a meeting prior to the election meeting, or at the meeting itself, a spoken candidate forum shall be held during which all candidates shall be invited and all UAWD members shall have the ability to ask questions of any candidate. If this spoken forum is held prior to the election meeting, a recording of the forum shall be sent out to the UAWD membership.
The Annual National Meeting shall elect the UAWD Steering Committee by majority, secret ballot vote using ranked choice voting. Single Transferable Vote shall be used in elections with two shared seats and Instant Runoff Voting in all other seats. In order to vote in an election, a UAWD member must be in good standing as a UAWD member and be a UAW member.
Only members present at the Annual National Meeting will be eligible to vote in elections. If the Annual National Meeting is held in-person, the voting portion of the meeting shall also be held online, such that any UAWD member in good standing, attending that portion of the meeting in-person or online, is able to cast their ballot. The UAWD Steering Committee shall be responsible for deciding voting software and logistics prior to the meeting.
Should a vacancy occur on the UAWD Steering Committee, and more than 90 days remain in the term of office, an election by the UAWD membership will be held to select an new officer to fill the remainder of the term of office, except in the case of a vacancy in the position of the UAWD Steering Committee Chairperson. An election to fill a vacancy on the Steering Commitee shall take place within 60 days from the time such vacancy occurred. The Recording Secretary of UAWD shall send a correspondence to the membership of UAWD, as soon as it is possible to do so, to inform them of the vacancy and that an election will take place within this 60-day period.
In the case of a vacancy in the position of the UAWD Steering Committee Chairperson, the Co-Chair will assume the position of Chairperson and the Steering Committee will appoint a Co-Chair for the remainder of the term. If a vacancy occurs less than 90 days before the end of the term of office, the office will remain vacant until the election at the next UAWD Annual National Meeting.
Section 4: Terms of Office
Elected positions that comprise the UAWD Steering Committee shall serve staggered two (2) year terms. To accomplish the initial staggered terms the following offices will initially have a one-year term. Co-chair, Financial Secretary, one (1) Trustee, one (1) Retiree Representative, one (1) Member at Large. Then beginning with the 2021 Annual National Meeting these offices will be two (2) year terms. The following offices will commence with two (2) year terms from the founding Annual National Meeting. Chairperson, Recording Secretary, one (1) Trustee, one (1) Retiree Representative, two (2) Members at Large.
Section 5: Powers
The UAWD Steering Committee Chairperson shall oversee the day-to-day functions of UAWD, administer operations, and coordinate the organizing activities of UAWD in accordance with the policies and programs approved by Annual National Meeting action and the direction of the UAWD Steering Committee. All actions taken by the UAWD Steering Committee Chairperson shall be subject to the approval of the UAWD Steering Committee.
The Trustees will have full access to all financial records, books, receipts, and other material needed to verify UAWD financial activities. The Trustees shall meet as a Financial Subcommittee, along with the UAWD Steering Committee Chairperson, and the Financial Secretary to make recommendations to the UAWD Steering Committee on finances, staff, and fundraising. In the event of a tie vote, the UAWD Steering Committee Chairperson will have the deciding vote.
Section 6: Governing Rules
The UAWD Steering Committee shall meet weekly, and at such times as it may be vital to the needs of the organization. Special Steering Committee meetings may be called by the Steering Committee Chairperson or at the request of four (4) Steering Committee members at any time. Such meetings shall be held promptly. A majority of the Steering Committee must be present at any UAWD Steering Committee meeting to constitute a quorum.
Section 7: Disciplinary Actions and Procedures
UAWD Steering Committee Members shall attend two (2) of every three (3) Steering Committee meetings unless properly excuse by the excuse committee. The excuse committee shall consist of the Co-Chairperson, Recording Secretary and Financial Secretary. The excuse for absence if one is given will be shared with the Steering Committee. Violations of this attendance rule may result in removal from the UAWD Steering Committee by a majority vote (50% plus 1) of the Steering Committee members present.
To appropriately start an investigation on a Steering Committee officer, seeking disciplinary action, it requires a majority vote (50% plus 1) by the Steering Committee either during a regular weekly meeting or a special meeting. If the officer being investigated is not present during such a meeting, it is required that the Recording Secretary send notification to the officer announcing the start of the investigation. The investigation must be completed within 14 days and submitted to the meeting minutes. The investigation shall be conducted by the Chairperson, Co-Chair and/or by an investigation committee formed by a majority vote (50% plus 1) by the Steering Committee. All records and evidence shall be submitted on record at the Steering Committee Meeting. At the subsequent meeting, a vote will be taken. The officer under investigation can be present and speak on their own behalf before the vote is taken, but will not have a vote. The first vote will be to remove the officer from their elected position which will require a majority vote (50% plus 1). If the vote fails, the officer will remain on the UAWD Steering Committee. If the vote passes, they will be removed immediately and must forfeit all UAWD related documents within 14 days. An additional vote will be taken to revoke their UAWD membership which will require a unanimous vote of the Steering Committee members present. If the vote fails, they will remain a UAWD member and will not be eligible to run for a UAWD Steering Committee position for one (1) election cycle. If the vote passes, their membership will be revoked and will no longer be eligible to be a part of UAWD.
Section 8: UAWD Steering Committee Primary Responsibilities
- The development of an overall organizing, education, and maintenance of membership plan.
- The maintenance of membership communication vehicles to educate UAWD and UAW membership.
- To manage the organization’s finances.
- To promote fundraising in addition to membership fees.
- To support local UAWD groups and assist in the development and coordination of regional and local activities.
- To assist in the coordination of election campaigns as needed.
- To establish a member-defense review committee for members and locals who are interfered with, coerced, or denied rights or due process by the International Union or local officials through illegal or extra-Constitutional (UAW) actions.
Article VII: Regional and Local Chapters
Section 1: Chapter Creation
UAWD members from any UAW Region may seek to create a Regional Chapter. This can be initiated by at least 10 UAWD members from the Region contacting the UAWD Steering Committee to petition for approval to start the Chapter.
If approved by the Steering Committee, petitioning members will be given the contact information for all UAWD members in the region, and they should give all such members notice of the Chapter’s creation and all Chapter meetings.
Chapters may use email, a UAWD Slack channel, or any other means they choose to communicate about regular meetings and other activities.
Chapters’ meeting minutes and other documents will be uploaded into the UAWD Google Drive, which will have a sub-folder for each Regional Chapter.
Chapters may refer to themselves as “UAWD Region X Chapter,” or “UAWD X” for short.
Locals may follow the same process detailed here to create a chapter, and should follow the same rules below. This should be done in coordination with their Regional Chapter, if one exists.
Section 2: Chapter Activity
UAWD Chapters may act on behalf of UAWD to grow UAWD and organize to advance rank-and-file demands within their Region.
Chapter Regional organizing should be done in close coordination with the UAWD membership and Steering Committee and should never work in opposition to UAWD membership decisions.
Chapters are not permitted to independently endorse candidates for Local, Regional, or International positions. Chapters are encouraged to make endorsement recommendations to the UAWD membership and Steering Committee, which should consider any Chapter endorsement recommendations.
Section 3: Chapter Governance:
Chapters are permitted to adopt Chapter Rules, as long as they remain consistent with the UAWD Bylaws and any resolutions passed by the UAWD membership. Chapter Rules may be passed or amended by a ⅔ vote at a Chapter meeting.
Chapter Rules must be approved by the UAWD Steering Committee or a committee created by the Steering Committee specifically to oversee Chapter Rules and ensure alignment with our UAWD Bylaws and resolutions passed by the UAWD membership. To the extent that a Chapter Rule conflicts with any applicable Bylaw or membership resolution, the Rule will be considered invalid.
To provide flexibility regarding the size and scope of Chapter activities, Chapters are permitted, but not required, to elect one or more Chapter Chairs, depending on Chapter members’ determination of needs. Chairs may also be selected on an opt-in or rotating basis. This should be established in Chapter Rules, where members may also choose to assign particular roles to different Chair positions.
Chapter Chair elections may happen at a Chapter meeting. Any election should be announced at the meeting prior to an election and all UAWD members in the Region should be given notice to be able to run and vote.
Chapter meetings are open to all UAWD members, regardless of Region, but only UAWD members working in Locals of that Chapter’s specific Region may participate in Chapter votes.
Article VIII: Finances
The UAWD Steering Committee accountable to UAWD members for all uses of UAWD finances. UAWD Trustees will conduct semi-annual financial audits. The findings of all UAWD financial audits will be made available to UAWD members for review.
Section 1: Membership Fees
All UAWD Members must pay annual fees in the amount of $25.00 per year. Annual membership fees will be set at the Annual National Meeting (subject to UAWD membership approval). A voluntary pledge system over and above the annual fees will be established by the UAWD Steering Committee for those members who express a willingness to pay more than the minimum. A financial report shall be given semi-annually at the Annual National Meeting and at the UAWD Steering Committee meeting six months after the Annual National Meeting.
Section 2: Funding
UAWD is a 100% UAW member owned and operated caucus within the UAW. UAWD receives no money from the UAW Union or any employer. We are independent, and funded entirely by membership fees and donations.
Article IX: By-Laws Amendments
A subcommittee of the UAWD Steering Committee shall organize such amendments according to the Article and Sections they wish to amend. All suggested amendments will be presented to the UAWD membership for vote. The requirement for amendments to pass is two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in attendance at the Annual National Meeting.
Article X: UAWD Endorsement Process for IEB Candidates
Article XI: Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3, 501(c)4 or 501(c)5 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

About UAWD
Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a grassroots movement of UAW members united in the common goal of creating a more democratic and accountable union.
We believe the rank-and-file must be the highest authority in the UAW — whether at our Conventions, the bargaining table, or on the shop floors of our workplaces across the country.
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