Columbia University Has Lost Its Way
The recently concluded negotiations between Columbia University and its graduate students/workers, ending a months-long strike by PhD students, serves as an object lesson in how the modern, private university no longer embodies the higher calling touted by Bollinger....
Striking Workers at Columbia University Built a More Democratic Union and Won
As was the case in the John Deere strike last year, workers are growing increasingly confident in their ability to challenge the authority of their leadership, face down threats, and reject subpar tentative agreements in the hopes of reversing concessions or making...
Student workers win big on both coasts
After 10 weeks on the picket line, student workers at Columbia University are claiming victory. The members of Student Workers of Columbia-United Auto Workers Local 2110 voted to end their strike. They will spend the next two weeks discussing the details of their...
Can you chip in to help SWC-UAW workers recover from their 10-week strike?
Can you donate to their hardship fund?