In These Times: Columbia University Strikers Raise Hell, Saying School Plans to Illegally Replace Them
The dispute over whether the university can legally hire permanent replacements for the strikers centers on competing visions of what type of strike is happening. The union says that it is out on an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike, in which case it would be illegal...
Thousands of Striking Columbia Grad Student Workers Threatened via Email With Replacement
Columbia University in New York sent an email to 3,000 striking graduate student workers Thursday threatening to permanently replace them if they do not return to their jobs. The email, sent by the university’s human resources department, stated that any...
Working People Pod: Columbia Is Still a Bully (w/ Joanna Lee, Tamara Hache, & Caroline Smith)
Back in the spring, the Working people podcast spoke with three graduate student workers at Columbia University who were on strike with other members of the Student Workers of Columbia union, UAW Local 2110. After rank-and-file members rejected the tentative agreement...
A New Force in American Labor: Academe
UAW Academic and autoworkers are forging a bond through the referendum vote.

Harvard Grad Student Union Ratifies 4-Year Contract With 70.6% Approval
Harvard’s graduate student union ratified a four-year contract with the University in a vote that ended Saturday, with 70.6 percent of voters in support.