Revolutions Per Minute Podcast: Winning 1M1V and SRU-UAW winning recognition
Check out the latest episode of the Revolutions Per Minute Podcast on the fight for a democratic UAW that actually fights for its members. Also, Student Researchers United-UAW discuss how a strike threat won recognition for their 17,000 member union. Listen to the...
The Union of Autoworkers and Grad Students
There are some ploys that non-university employers use to defeat unionization that won’t work with grad students. First, while Amazon may be able to convince its workers that they’ll lose their jobs if they vote for a union, that’s a little harder to do at, say,...
Auto News: UAW members wise to vote for direct elections
Undoubtedly, such a strong showing in favor of direct election is a sharp repudiation of the union’s Administrative Caucus, the self-perpetuating cabal that has run the UAW for decades and included some leaders who illegally enriched themselves to the detriment...
Rank-and-file democracy wins in the UAW
The rank-and-file caucus United All Workers for Democracy built a broad, grassroots campaign to promote voter turnout for direct elections. A team of volunteers helped with phone banking, text banking, leafletting, social media outreach and generating media publicity....
Voices from the Frontlines Radio Interview with Scott Houldieson and Michael Cannon
Mike and Scott discuss the referendum results and what comes next. Listen to the interview here.