Auto Workers Win Direct Democracy in Referendum
The members of the United Auto Workers appear to have voted overwhelmingly to move to a direct voting system for choosing their union leadership—“one member, one vote.” As of this afternoon, with more than two-thirds of the votes counted, direct elections had the...
UAW direct election issue wins support of workers, federal monitor projects
Direct voting has prevailed in a historic referendum on how the United Auto Workers union chooses its international leaders, according to preliminary results released Wednesday night. Read the article here.
UAWD Predicts Victory For 1M1V in UAW Referendum
UAWD issues the following statement regarding the December 1, 2021 referendum results

Interview with Toni Gilpin on recent strikes and the need for fighting unions
“If you look at the John Deere strike, here you have this union, UAW, that has made headlines in the past four or five years for corruption. And yet you have the rank and file in the union, these strikers, who remain loyal to their union even if not to the...