Ballots for UAW referendum election due on Monday
The deadline for when United Auto Workers members can submit their vote on whether to implement direct elections of international union leaders or maintain the current delegate-based system is on Monday. The election brought on by a corruption scandal within the UAW...
UAW Argues Over Election of New Officers
Convention delegates are selected by UAW members, but the rules and procedures used throughout the convention are controlled by the so-called “Administrative Caucus,” which is an extension of the executive board. Critics of the system argue the conventions have...
Workers are fed up. How that could influence outcome of historic UAW vote
United Auto Workers members this month are casting ballots in a historic referendum that could change the union’s decades-old system for electing leaders — and they’re doing so as workers across the country push for better wages, benefits and working...
Will Dark Money Corrupt the UAW Under Direct Elections?
Let’s talk about the dreaded “dark money” that some claim will infest every aspect of our union if we vote to move to direct elections of our IEB officers.