Opinion: Would One Member One Vote Disenfranchise Smaller Locals in the UAW?
Critics of One Member One Vote claim the system would disenfranchise small Locals. The reality? Small Locals are extremely disenfranchised under our current system.

Talk of Filibuster Reform Bodes Well For The PRO Act
With the modern filibuster’s days possibly numbered, labor law reform may finally pass the Senate.Read the article here.Rochester Area Labor Federation Resolution on Defending American Democracy and Opposing Authoritarian Rule
The Rochester Area Labor Federation voted unanimously to adopt the following resolution on defending American democracy and opposing authoritarian rule and send it to the state and national AFL-CIO to be adopted and implemented. UAWD members voted to endorse this...
You can tell how serious people are about organizing — general strikes or anything else — by how interested they are in specifics: the nuts and bolts of organizing strategy, hard data about the historical record, and an unflinching analysis of a tactic’s usefulness....