Delegates, have you read the Convention Rules in your packet? These are special rules that apply solely to Convention, going well beyond Roberts Rules. In the past, they have been undemocratic, arbitrary, and designed to limit debate.

The International Convention is listed in our Constitution as the highest tribunal of the International Union UAW. Collectively, we are who sets the course of our union. But the Convention rules have been a hindrance to our democratic rights as the highest tribunal.

For example, Rule #7 restricts delegates’ ability to offer amendments to proposed Constitutional Amendments and proposed Resolutions. Rule #7 requires a Constitutional Amendment or a Resolution from the committee report to be voted down not once, but twice in order for amendments from the floor to be considered.

Instead, we would propose that when the rules report is presented to the delegates, Rule #7 be amended to allow delegates to propose amendments to committee reports if they have the support of a certain number of delegates, say 5% or 15%. That would make this rule similar to the threshold to bring a resolution out of the submitted resolutions book. It is a reasonable accommodation that recognizes the authority of the International Convention.

Below are copies of the 38th Constitutional Convention Rules and Parliamentary Law Desk Chart included in delegates’ packets.
