Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) issues the following statement regarding the sentencing of Edward N. Robinson, former President of the UAW Region 5 Community Action Program PAC, to prison for corruption:

Chicago, Illinois – In another example of corruption in the hierarchy of the United Auto Workers International Union, Edward N. Robinson – former President of the UAW Region 5 UAW Voluntary Community Action Program Committee (UAW VCAP). – was sentenced to 12 months in federal prison and 12 months of probation afterwards. The sentence is delayed until August due to COVID. Robinson is also required to pay restitution to the UAW of $300,000. Robinson’s cooperation with Federal Investigators led to the conviction of three members of the UAW International Executive Board (IEB) – Region 5 Director Vance Pearson, International Presidents Gary Jones and Dennis Williams. Pearson, Jones and Williams have yet to be sentenced for their roles in the embezzlement schemes. In total there have been convictions of 12 UAW officers or officials including two International Presidents, two International Vice Presidents one Regional Director and the wife of a deceased International Vice President.

“Without a doubt, this is another sad day in the history of the UAW,” says Justin Mayhugh, Co-Chair of Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD). “These corrupt actions of so many members of the UAW’s Administration Caucus have done serious damage to the membership of the UAW. Region 5 has been disbanded and absorbed by two mega Regions, one stretching from the East Coast of the U.S. all the way to the West Coast. There is no way to properly service these gargantuan Regions.”

Robinson pled guilty on March 2, 2020, to conspiracy to embezzle union funds and conspiracy to defraud the United States. The embezzlement went on for at least 9 years, from 2010 through 2019. To conceal the theft, Robinson backed the payments, from UAW Region 5 CAP funds, by submitting receipts for fake expenses or for expenses which had already been fully paid. Those were converted to nearly ¾ of a million dollars in cash.

“UAW members must have the ability to get rid of corrupt officials. That’s why full transparency along with the right to vote on our International officers is so important.” says Scott Houldieson, Chairperson of UAWD. “Real checks and balances must be put in place, otherwise this corruption will reappear. In addition to the union funds that were stolen, the UAW has spent millions of dues dollars on legal fees incurred to defend the indefensible. None of that money has been repaid to the UAW.”

UAWD, in an open letter to Federal District Judge Borman who is assigned to the Robinson case, pointed out in a letter that the UAW has spent over $3 million dollars in legal fees on the federal investigation of corruption in the union. UAWD also asked Judge Borman to order Robinson to pay back every penny of the money he stole from the UAW and sentence him to prison for his criminal behavior.

UAWD is fighting for direct elections of top UAW officers through a One Member, One Vote method of electing International union officials. Sadly, the Consent Agreement guarantees none of this. The Administration Caucus has already indicated it will oppose the referendum solution arrived at in the Consent Agreement. Currently, the top officers of the union are elected through a convention delegate system controlled by the Administration Caucus. The Administration Caucus has been in total control of the UAW for the last 70 years. All of the Administration Caucus candidates for the leadership of the UAW have been elected almost always running unopposed. When there was opposition, strong-arm tactics were employed by the Administration Caucus.

One reason the membership of the union has to accept corrupt leaders is due to the one-party state within the UAW. This one-party system of electing International Officers has cultivated a culture of corruption at the highest levels of the union.

Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a newly-founded political caucus in the UAW calling for structural changes in the UAW International Union, including the election of International officers by direct vote of the union membership. To prevent outside influence, strict campaign finance rules must be implemented and enforced.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Scott Houldieson at phone: 219.801.2002 – cell, or email: uawdemocracy@gmail.com.
