Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) issues the following statement in response to the guilty plea, entered into Court, by Dennis Williams, former President of the UAW International Union, on September 30, 2020:
Chicago, Illinois – In a union riddled by corruption over the last several years, another former high-ranking officer of the storied United Auto Workers union has plead guilty to conspiracy to embezzle union funds in violation of the UAW Constitution and federal law. In the Plea Agreement filed in Federal District Court in Detroit, Michigan on September 30, 2020, former UAW President, Dennis Williams, admits he acted in concert with other officials of the union, to “… embezzle, steal and unlawfully and willfully abstract and convert to their own use moneys, funds, property, and other assets of the United Auto Workers.”
“I am appalled at the existence and the level of corruption by Williams, who was one of the top officers of our beloved union for many years,” said Scott Houldieson, member of UAW Local 551 in Chicago and Chair of the Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), a newly-founded caucus in the UAW. “But I am equally appalled at the refusal of our International officers to execute their duties under our Constitution to safeguard the union funds embezzled by Williams and his crew. These corrupt acts are the very reason UAWD is demanding direct election of all top officers of the UAW International Union by the membership. We need to change the leadership in Solidarity House and reclaim our union.”
Currently, such officers are elected by union delegates at a convention held every four years. “Direct elections of officers will return the power of the union back to the hands of the membership and this power will go a long way as a check on abuse of power by our officials,” says Justin Mayhugh, member of UAW Local 31 in Kansas City, Kansas, and Co-Chair of UAWD.
Specifically, Williams accepted housing, golf clothing, rounds of golf, meals, liquor, cigars, and other merchandise paid for with union funds. The total amount of union funds stolen by Williams and his cohorts exceeded $1.5 million dollars, according to documents filed in Federal District Court by the government. Williams held the position of Secretary Treasurer of the United Auto Workers International Union from 2010 to 2014 before being elevated to the position of President in 2014. He held this position until he retired in 2018. Williams was appointed to the most powerful positions in the UAW by the Administration Caucus.
Williams admitted in a statement to the Court that he “…deliberately looked away…” when he suspected union funds were being used improperly to purchase items of value at Region 5 conferences.
The UAW International Executive Board (IEB), controlled by the Administration Caucus, did not take action against Williams for months, even though other convicted officials had implicated Williams under oath. Additionally, the IEB fought vigorously against any attempt by the membership to have Williams charged under the UAW Constitution.
Today, the IEB states Williams’ resignation from the union was demanded and he resigned his membership on September 18, 2020. Such claims must be viewed with a “jaundiced eye” in light of the IEB’s refusal to charge Williams with embezzlement for many months. It should also be noted the IEB released news of Williams’ resignation in the press and not to the membership, 12 days after Williams supposedly resigned and 6 days after the Public Review Board instructed the IEB to investigate and take action against Williams.
Never in the 85-year history of the UAW, has any current or former International Union President admitted guilt to embezzling union funds, with the exception of Williams and his partner in crime, former UAW President Gary Jones. Jones acted as President of the UAW from June 2018 until he resigned, in disgrace, in November, 2019, for his part in the corruption scheme.
Williams joins a long list of former UAW officials who have been indicted by the federal government. All have pled guilty to embezzling money from the union or joint training funds intended for the use of UAW members.
Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a newly-founded political caucus calling for structural changes in the UAW International Union, including the election of International officers by direct vote of the union membership.
If you would like more information about this topic, please call Scott Houldieson at phone: 219.801.2002 – cell, or email: uawdemocracy@gmail.com.