Join Our Movement
To join UAWD, fill out the membership form. UAWD membership is $25 annually.
By becoming a member, you will be supporting UAWD to help build a more democratic UAW. Each member will be invited to join us at the Membership Meetings where voting takes place for officers and decisions are made concerning the direction of UAWD.
This is a UAW member-led reform movement where dues and donations are used for outreach to the membership, website hosting and maintenance, literature, legal fees and organizational costs. All finances come with complete transparency to the membership.
UAWD will never sell or distribute your personal information to any business, group, or organization.
UAWD is a 501(c)(5) nonprofit association. Donations are not tax deductible. Please note that UAWD does not accept donations from employers. If you employ one or more individuals, we cannot accept your donation.
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