The Union of Autoworkers and Grad Students

The Union of Autoworkers and Grad Students

There are some ploys that non-university employers use to defeat unionization that won’t work with grad students. First, while Amazon may be able to convince its workers that they’ll lose their jobs if they vote for a union, that’s a little harder to do at, say,...

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University of California Recognizes Student Researcher Union

University of California Recognizes Student Researcher Union

The University of California agreed to officially recognize Student Researchers United — a union representing over 17,000 student researchers across the UC — on Dec. 8.  The acknowledgement comes after a bevy of legislative backing for the union, including 49 members...

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Lansing City Council endorses tax breaks for GM battery plant

Lansing City Council endorses tax breaks for GM battery plant

Lansing City Council on Monday moved forward with supporting a $2.5 billion investment from General Motors Co. for a battery cell manufacturing plant near its Delta Township assembly plant. Council approved a resolution recommending the formation of a renaissance zone...

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The 20-Year Fight to Unionize Graduate Student Workers

The 20-Year Fight to Unionize Graduate Student Workers

For the last six weeks, graduate student workers at Columbia University have walked a picket line at the school’s Manhattan campus as they seek to negotiate a union contract that includes a living wage, better health care, and greater protections against harassment...

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