Contract Enforcement Training: Protecting Health & Safety

Saturday, December 14, 6:00 pm ET

There are few things as important as ensuring Health and Safety on the job. So why does management always seem to get away with bending and breaking the rules?

Hear first-hand from UAW members who have successfully fought for and won safer working conditions. Learn tips for filing safety grievances and what to do next if you grievance does not get the problem resolved.

Member-to-Member Education Is Our Key to Make Stellantis Keep the Promise!

Stellantis is refusing to follow through on the $19 billion in product and investment commitments made during the 2023 Stand Up Strike. Learn how to get involved in member-to-member organizing.

No Corruption, No Concessions, No Tiers

UAWD is a grassroots movement of UAW members in good standing, united in the common goal of building a more democratic and fighting union.

What's Next for UAWD in the Years to Come?

The coming years hold countless opportunities for reforming our local unions, organizing more workers to join the UAW, and enforcing the contracts we’ve won on the shop floor. Are you in?

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Big Three Tentative Agreement Ratification Results

Big Three Tentative Agreement Ratification Results

As of November 20, UAW members at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis voted to ratify their new contracts, locking in record gains at the Big Three automakers. According to the UAW website, 64% of voting members across the three companies voted in favor of the...

UAWD in the Detroit News: Approved UAW deals mark reshaped union

UAWD in the Detroit News: Approved UAW deals mark reshaped union

Breana Noble, Kalea Hall, and Hayley Harding write for The Detroit News: Chris Budnick, an 11-year employee at Ford working at the Kentucky Truck plant, voted yes on the deal, even though he would have liked to see a larger wage increase sooner and health care...

UAWD in the News: After a Long Defeat, Labor Is Rising from the Ashes

UAWD in the News: After a Long Defeat, Labor Is Rising from the Ashes

Stephen Franklin writes for In These Times: The recently elected heads of those two unions proclaimed unprecedented and seemingly risky contract demands because they had pitched themselves to their rank and file as new voices that would shake up their unions. This was...

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