Defined Benefit Pensions

UAWD Priority resolution for
the 2023 Bargaining Convention

Resolution for Defined Benefit Pensions

The UAW should fight for traditional defined benefit pensions and retirement health care with no tiers in compensation

Update: This resolution was not considered at the 2023 Bargaining Convention.

Draft Resolution

Whereas, every worker should have the right to “cradle-to-grave” income security and health care coverage; this has long been a key goal of the labor movement,

Whereas, a large number of UAW members no longer have the security of a defined benefit pension and health care in retirement, including Ford, General Motors and Stellantis workers hired after October 2007,

Whereas, even “traditional” workers who retired from the Detroit Three have not had a raise in pension payments since the 2003 contracts, meaning their real income after inflation has plummeted, therefore

Be it resolved that the UAW will fight for traditional defined benefit pensions and retirement health care with no tiers in compensation; and

Be it further resolved that the UAW will fight for increases in pension payments for all of its retired members with a traditional pension, and will fight to ensure that the pension fund is sufficiently funded to allow for, and cover, the payment increases; and

Be it further resolved that we demand the return of the retirees’ Christmas Bonus and the payment for Medicare Part B through the mechanism of the pension pass-through negotiated in 2007 and lost in the 2009 bankruptcy; and

Be it finally resolved that the UAW will continue to push for a national, single-payer, “Medicare for All” government health care program to guarantee cradle-to-grave health benefits to every U.S. resident.

2023 Convention

Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a grassroots movement of UAW members united in the common goal of creating a more democratic and accountable union.

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