Safeguarding the Integrity of UAWD

The following resolution passed at the UAWD Mid-Year General Membership Meeting held on January 30, 2022.

Purpose: To Better Safeguard Integrity of UAWD

Resolution:  WHEREAS the Admin Caucus became corrupt over the years with no internal or external checks and balances,

WHEREAS the UAWD was formed to counter this corruption and return the UAW to its integrity

WHEREAS to lead the UAW and rebuild it as a democratic union, we must model those values by acting as a democratic caucus; to do this, we must establish a culture of transparency, in which leaders share their work openly with UAWD members so that members can engage collectively in informed decision-making,

WHEREAS according to Article IV of the UAWD Bylaws, the membership of UAWD are our highest authority,

BE IT RESOLVED that the UAWD will establish its own checks and balances in order to prevent future generations from repeating the same corruptions.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, during 2022, the UAWD Steering Committee and staff will develop and share with the UAWD membership specific plans for proactively enhancing transparency within the caucus, balancing the importance of information accessibility in building a strong caucus that can make decisions collectively with the strategic realities of being a new, dissident caucus in the UAW; these will include:

  1. developing a plan for caucus documentation, determining which cases should have enhanced transparency and accessibility;
  2. developing a plan for internal file management, including determining cases in which we should have enhanced accessibility of our UAWD Google Drive structure;
  3. developing a plan for accessible communication among caucus members, to enable internal deliberation and organizing;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any document that is discussed or approved at a UAWD Membership Meeting should be posted to the UAWD Slack and sent out in a membership-wide email (though this email may include other content).


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January 30, 2022