This resolution was passed at the October 2024 Annual Membership Meeting via Zoom on October 13, 2024.
Plan for IEB Accountability
Resolution Authors: Scott Houldieson (551), Alex Bruns-Smith (2320), Derryl Woodberry (882), Nick Livick (31), Ben Hinsey (12)
Whereas; the UAW is working to emerge from the throes of decades of corruption and corporate cooperation.
Whereas; the shift from business unionism to class struggle unionism in the UAW is proceeding with considerable headwinds.
Whereas; in order to overcome these headwinds UAWD must commit to building shop-floor power in the UAW.
Whereas; class struggle unionism decreed from on high may be a fine example but it must be implemented at the local unions and workplaces.
Whereas; UAWD has seen contentious debate about how to hold the IEB accountable and work effectively with our allies on the board.
Wheeras; this resolution is written in the spirit of compromise, while recognizing that accountability is often best achieved through positive collaboration with our IEB allies and requires us to build a powerful membership base
Therefore be it resolved; that UAWD, our members, our staff and our leaders will focus our resources on building power at the local level.
- Building UAWD Local Chapters who work towards shop floor actions.
- Developing leaders to challenge for local union election.
- Encouraging UAWD members to engage with committee work, especially those committees with an organizing approach.
Be it further resolved that UAWD Steering Committee will facilitate meetings between UAWD Local Union chapters and IEB members or departments when they have built a large and effective team which can organize members behind shared goals like contract enforcement.
Be it further resolved that UAWD will have more purposeful but less frequent meetings with our IEB allies, in order to make these meetings productive and urgent.
- We will propose a six month cadence
- The Steering Committee will survey the membership, at a prior meeting or through other means, to develop focused caucus priorities and conversation topics in advance of these meetings with the IEB.
Be it further resolved; that UAWD will focus on building a viable bench of leaders committed to class struggle unionism for future IEB elections.