Reproductive Health Care Coverage

UAWD Priority resolution for
the 2023 Bargaining Convention

Resolution to Expand Health Care Coverage to Include Reproductive Health Care

The UAW should bargain for expanded access to reproductive health care for members in all states.

Update: The Resolutions Committee Report (see page 14) that was ultimately passed at the Bargaining Convention demanded “health care coverage for the full range of reproductive health or gender-affirming options for our members and facilitate access to reproductive care regardlessof what state members live in.”

Draft Resolution

Whereas recent actions by the Supreme Court and state legislatures have deprived members in some states from having the same rights to reproductive health care options that members in other states maintain; and

Whereas dozens of large corporations have expanded their health care coverage to include travel out of state, if necessary, to obtain an abortion, including paying for travel and lodging when required; and

Whereas at least two of the largest independent electric vehicle manufacturers, Tesla and Rivian, include this coverage for their employees; therefore

Be it resolved that we seek to make a full range of reproductive health care options available to our membership, regardless of the state in which they live; and

Be it further resolved that we meet or exceed the coverages provided by non-union facilities such as Tesla and Rivian.

2023 Convention

Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a grassroots movement of UAW members united in the common goal of creating a more democratic and accountable union.

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