“Protesting low wages in one of the most unaffordable cities in the country, graduate students at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) went on a wildcat grading strike in December and are now organizing for a full strike, beginning February 10.

Graduate student workers at the 10 UC campuses across the state receive the same wages—$2,434 a month, which after taxes amounts to just over $18,000 a year, given that we are only paid for nine months.

Most UCSC grads spend more than half of their wages on rent: a bedroom in a shared apartment in graduate student housing on campus costs $1,200, similar to the median rent for a bedroom in shared housing off campus.

The full strike is the latest escalation in the campaign for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)—an additional $1,412 a month for all graduate students, to cope with the cost of rent.”

Read the entire article here…

To learn more about the strike at UCSC, visit www.payusmoreucsc.com

To make a donation to the UCSC strike fund, visit their Go Fund Me page.