UAW’s International Executive Board did not protect the interests of the union and its membership, according to the Union’s Public Review Board


Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) issued the following statement in response to the September 24, 2020, ruling by the United Auto Workers Union’s Public Review Board (PRB), stating the union’s International Executive Board (IEB) acted improperly when it failed to file charges against former President Dennis Williams:

[Chicago, Illinois, September 29, 2020] – In a stunning rebuke of the UAW International Executive Board (IEB), the UAW Public Review Board (PRB) overruled the IEB’s decision not to charge former UAW President, Dennis Williams, for violation of its Ethical Practices Code.

Williams, former UAW President and Secretary Treasurer, is accused of stealing union funds with assistance from other union officers who were also members of the IEB, in violation of federal law. The IEB refused for months to file charges against Williams for his part in the corruption scheme, even though the other union officers involved pled guilty to the same charges and implicated Williams in this criminal enterprise.

Scott Houldieson, member of UAW Local 551 and Chair of UAWD, an emerging political caucus in the UAW, filed a complaint with the union under the provisions of the UAW Constitution, in October, 2019. The complaint alleged Williams and members of the IEB embezzled money from the union treasury. Dozens of other UAW members around the country have filed similar complaints against Williams and his corrupt cohorts. Union funds, in excess of $1.5 million have been embezzled by Williams and the others, according to the federal government agencies involved.

The IEB rejected Houldieson’s complaint stating, “Former UAW President Williams has not been charged with any wrongdoing,” thus advancing the position it could not file charges against Williams until government law enforcement agencies pressed criminal charges. Houldieson appealed the UAW International Executive Board’s decision to the UAW’s Public Review Board in June, 2020.

In his appeal to the PRB, Houldieson argued the Ethical Practices Codes of the UAW, as contained in the UAW Constitution, does not require the filing of criminal charges against union officers before the union can take action to remove them from office, rescind their membership in the union, and seek restitution for stolen union funds.

The PRB upheld Houldieson’s complaint, stating, We agree with the Appellant that enforcement of the Ethical Practices Codes is not dependent upon whether the government has brought criminal charges against a union officer or member; rather, the Union has an independent duty to regulate itself under the Codes.” The PRB further ruled the argument not to press charges against Williams by the IEB to be insufficient.

The PRB remanded the case back to the IEB …for further investigation and consideration consistent with this decision. It retained jurisdiction of the instant case and directed the IEB to report back to it within 30 days.

Consequently, the ruling by the UAW’s Public Review Board is an indictment of the UAW International Executive Board’s failure to perform its duties under the UAW Constitution to protect the assets and integrity of the union.

On August 27, 2020, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan filed a criminal complaint, or Information, against Dennis Williams, accusing him of conspiracy to embezzle union funds. Due to the nature of the filing, Williams is expected to enter into a plea deal with the government and Federal District Court in Detroit on Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

The UAW Public Review Board is an independent body, currently consisting of four members, originally established in 1957 under the UAW Constitution, to ensure the operation of the UAW is executed with high moral and ethical standards and “to further strengthen the democratic processes and appeal procedures within the Union.”

United All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a recently-founded political caucus in the UAW calling for an end to corruption, increased democracy, and accountability in the UAW.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Scott Houldieson at phone: 219.801.2002 – cell, or email: uawdemocracy@gmail.com.