UAWD Convention HQ

The 2022 UAW Constitutional Convention will be a historic opportunity to change our union for the better. Here at, you can find the latest updates from UAWD about what’s happening at the Convention.

UAWD is a caucus of UAW members founded in 2020 to organize for a more democratic and accountable union. We led the campaign to win One Member, One Vote in 2021, and we’re now supporting the UAW Members United slate for International Executive Board in 2022.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Delegate Resources

Daily UAWD Bulletins

Latest information about the convention schedule, rules, and UAWD’s daily priorities.

UAWD Delegate Platform

UAWD’s delegate platform drafted with input from hundreds of UAW members.

UAWD Priority Resolutions

Explanations and talking points for UAWD’s priority amendments & resolutions.

Latest from the Floor

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Convention Updates

Tuesday Bulletin: Today, We Fight for NO TIERS

Tuesday Bulletin: Today, We Fight for NO TIERS

Welcome to the second day of the 2022 Constitutional Convention! If you’re a delegate, alternate, guest, or just following along from home, find out important information that you need to know Convention in UAWD’s Monday bulletin below—and help us spread the word....

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Monday Bulletin: Ranked Choice Voting & More!

Monday Bulletin: Ranked Choice Voting & More!

Welcome to the first day of the 2022 Constitutional Convention! If you’re a delegate, alternate, guest, or just following along from home, find out important information that you need to know Convention in UAWD’s Monday bulletin below—and help us spread the word....

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Convention Rules Resources

Convention Rules Resources

Delegates, have you read the Convention Rules in your packet? These are special rules that apply solely to Convention, going well beyond Roberts Rules. In the past, they have been undemocratic, arbitrary, and designed to limit debate. The International Convention is...

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Mythbusters: Ranked Choice Voting Edition

Mythbusters: Ranked Choice Voting Edition

UAWD supports ranked choice voting—also known as "instant run-off voting"—because it's the best and most democratic way to vote. We all agree that there should be a run-off election. But instead of waiting months for another run-off election in March 2023, when we...

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Sunday Bulletin: Welcome to Convention from UAWD!

Sunday Bulletin: Welcome to Convention from UAWD!

Nearly 1,000 of our fellow UAW members are arriving in Detroit this Sunday for our union’s 2022 Constitutional Convention! If you're a delegate, alternate, guest, or just following along from home, find out important information that you need to know for day one of...

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Convention 101

Who are my local's delegates?

Each local elects its own delegates to the Constitutional Convention. To find out who your local’s delegates are in 2022, contact your local leadership. Find out who your local’s delegates were in 2018 here.

What do delegates do?

Delegates will vote on proposed resolutions and amendments to the UAW Constitution. UAWD’s priority resolutions and amendments are available here. Delegates may also play a very important role in nominating IEB candidates, depending on the new rules.

What are delegates voting on at Convention?

Delegates will vote on proposed resolutions and amendments to the UAW Constitution. UAWD’s priority resolutions and amendments are available here.

Where will UAWD be at convention?

To join up with UAWD at Convention, follow our Convention events calendar.

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