UAWD Bargaining Convention HQ

The 2023 UAW Special Bargaining Convention is a historic opportunity to change our union for the better. Here at, you can find the latest updates from UAWD about what’s happening at the Convention.

UAWD is a caucus of UAW members founded in 2020 to organize for a more democratic and accountable union. We led the campaign to win One Member, One Vote in 2021, and we supported the UAW Members United slate for International Executive Board in 2022. In 2023, we pledge to build democratic, militant contract campaigns in Big 3 Locals together!

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Information for delegates

UAWD Priority Resolutions

Explanations of our priority amendments & resolutions at Bargaining Convention.

UAWD Delegate Platform

UAWD’s delegate platform drafted with input from hundreds of UAW members.

Convention Basics

New delegate? UAWD members wrote a guide to understanding what happens at convention.

Latest from the Floor

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Convention Updates

UAWD Fights to Reject Tiers in Electric Vehicles

UAWD Fights to Reject Tiers in Electric Vehicles

This afternoon, UAWD delegates supported bringing one of our priority resolutions out of committee for debate: Resolution to Reject Electric Vehicle Tiers. As the transition toward electric vehicles accelerates, corporations are using it to weaken our union. The...

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UAWD Supports Stronger Resolution for COLA

UAWD Supports Stronger Resolution for COLA

This afternoon, Bargaining Convention delegates cleared the 15% threshold of votes needed to bring a resolution out of committee for debate: Resolution to Renew COLA Wage Adjustments Across All Sectors, one of UAWD’s priority resolutions. With inflation projected to...

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UAWD Stands for Strike Prep Resolution

UAWD Stands for Strike Prep Resolution

This morning, UAWD delegates supported bringing one of our priority resolutions out of committee for debate: Resolution on Effective Membership Strike Preparation. In sum, the resolution states that to win the demands we’re calling for, it's imperative to launch a...

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Convention Rules Passed Without Amendment

Convention Rules Passed Without Amendment

The Rules Committee Report passed without amendment at the 2023 Bargaining Convention. The number of delegates referenced in rules 9, 10, and 11 were updated as follows: 9. Resolutions Resolutions submitted by local unions shall be reported out of committee as the...

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Bargaining Convention Basics

Who are my local's delegates?

In 2022, each local elected its own delegates to the Constitutional Convention and Bargaining Convention.

To find out who your local’s delegates are in 2022, contact your local leadership. Find out who your local’s delegates were in 2018 here.

What do delegates do?

Delegates represent their locals at the Constitutional Convention and Bargaining Convention, each of which is held every four years.

At the Constitutional Convention in 2022, delegates voted on proposed resolutions and amendments to the UAW Constitution and nominated candidates for the IEB.

For the 2023 Bargaining Convention, UAWD’s priority resolutions are available here. Our delegates will fight for a bargaining campaign to eliminate corruption, concessions, and tiers in our union.

What are delegates voting on at Convention?

For the 2023 Bargaining Convention, UAWD’s priority resolutions are available here. Our delegates will fight for a bargaining campaign to eliminate corruption, concessions, and tiers in our union.

Where will UAWD be at convention?

To link up with UAWD at this year’s Bargaining Convention, follow our convention calendar. We’ll have a room at the convention center—all are welcome to stop by and learn about our caucus!

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