No Corruption.
No Concessions.
No Tiers.

UAWD Priority resolutions for the
2023 UAW Bargaining Convention

The following are UAWD’s priority amendments and resolutions for the UAW Bargaining Convention in March 2023.

All were submitted to the International Secretary-Treasurer to be considered at Convention, but vote of 15% of delegates is required to bring them to the floor for a vote at Convention.

Update: At the 2023 Bargaining Convention, four of our priority resolutions were introduced and two were passed.

Resolutions Commitee Report Highlights

UAWD strongly supports passing the following resolutions that have already been included in. the Resolutions Committee Report.

Reject Tiers of All Kinds

End divisive tiers and return our union to the time-honored principle of equal pay for equal work. We call for a UAW-wide strategy to reject tiers of all kinds in management proposals, striking if needed to achieve this goal.

Expansion of Health Care Coverage to Include Reproductive Health Care

Make a full range of reproductive health care options available to our membership by including coverage for out-of-state travel for abortion care.

UAWD Priority Resolutions

UAWD will prioritize calling the following resolutions out of committee to strengthen the Resolutions Committee Report.

1. Renew Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Wage Adjustments

COLA is a moral and economic imperative for our union—and for all U.S. workers. We will fight for COLA in UAW bargaining across all sectors, striking if needed to defend our members’ quality of life.

2. Effective Membership Strike Preparation

Launch a sweeping expansion of the ability of UAW locals to execute effective collective action, including the power to strike. Strike Preparation Committees at each local will train members to engage in collective job action as a unifying force of our Union.

3. Build Student Worker Solidarity & Strategy

The UAW has been a pioneer in organizing academic workers, now the fastest-growing segment of our union. Our student worker strategy must have inclusive bargaining units, “wall-to-wall” unions, and a well-resourced sectoral bargaining approach.

4. No Electric Vehicle Tiers

Prevent the erosion of UAW member pay and benefits by demanding the inclusion of all joint venture jobs in the electric vehicle industry in the Big 3 Master Agreement, ending the creation of new tiers across the industry and ensuring a uniform pay and benefit structure as electrification moves forward.

5. Shorter Workweek with No Loss in Pay

86 years ago, the UAW demanded a 30-hour week during the Flint Sit-down Strike. The UAW will recommit to the fight for a shorter workweek, comparable to “30 for 40” — 30 hour week for 40 hours pay.

6. Honor Picket Lines

Other major unions, including the Teamsters & International Longshore and Warehouse Union, have contracts with language respecting picket lines. We should bargain for language allowing UAW members to respect picket lines.

7. Defined Benefit Pensions

Many UAW members no longer have the security of a defined benefit pension and health care in retirement. We will fight for traditional defined benefit pensions and retirement health care with no tiers in compensation.

8. End Cross Border Whipsawing

Big 3 and other auto industry companies will pit auto workers against each other across borders. We must build bridges and resist attempts by automakers to engage in practices that set one group of unionized workers against another.

UAWD Support Resolutions

UAWD will organize to pass the following further resolutions if they are brought to the floor.
We will seek to call them out of committee if we have already attempted to call out those listed above.

End Temporary Status Abuse

It's time to change how temporary workers are employed in UAW-organized facilities. Now that the Big 3 automakers have enjoyed record profits for a decade, we must end long-term temporary status for workers.

Developing a Strategic Approach to Collective Bargaining and Strike Strategy

Develop a strategic bargaining approach to strengthen our hand at the bargaining table and reduce the amount of time our members are required to engage in strike action.

National Right to Strike Over Plant Closings

Include in agreements the right to strike the entire corporation if the company closes a plant.

Resolution to Restore Job Security Language Lost during the 1979 and 2009 Bailouts

Raise in the 2023 negotiations with Ford, GM, Stellantis, and other employers where possible, the restoration of job security language comparable to what existed prior to 2009.

2023 Convention

Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD) is a grassroots movement of UAW members united in the common goal of creating a more democratic and accountable union.

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