Get Involved in UAWD

UAWD Committees are open for all UAWD members to join, with the exception of the Steering Committee, which is elected by the UAWD membership.

If you are interested in getting involved in our work and are not yet a member, you can learn more about becoming a member and join today!

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

UAWD Committees

To join a committee, email UAWD at

Organizing Commitee

We are building support for a democratic, militant UAW through organizing our coworkers on the shop floor. Our first task is supporting the contract fight across Big 3 Locals!

Electric Vehicle Committee

We need a worker-led strategy to set the terms of the EV transition, instead of letting our employers call the shots. 

International Solidarity Committee

We are building international solidarity, with a particular focus on engaging with the independent union movement in Mexico.

Education Committee

We organize member education and training ranging from UAW history to union leadership skills.

Diversity Committee

We educate around and respond to all forms of oppression, particularly racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and ableism that affect UAW members.

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Committee Updates

Working Class Solidarity is Growing – Frank Hammer

Working Class Solidarity is Growing – Frank Hammer

Marches in Michigan’s mostly white suburbs and small towns in support of the protests against police brutality could have a large impact on the struggle of autoworkers, says veteran union leader, UAWD member, and activist Frank Hammer on with Paul...

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UAW HISTORY: The union-management GM strike, 1970

UAW HISTORY: The union-management GM strike, 1970

The strike itself is sometimes actually part of the strategy to control the workers - albeit a costly one. A fascinating series of articles in the Wall Street Journal described "union-management cooperation" to get the workers back to work and build up the authority...

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Coalition from Santa Cruz joins campaign to free Susana Prieto

Coalition from Santa Cruz joins campaign to free Susana Prieto

A coalition of organizations from Pasadena demonstrated outside the facilities of the Mexican Consulate in El Paso in support of the Labor lawyer, Susana Prieto Terrazas, who remains in detention by Mexican authorities.About 37 civil society organizations within...

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