Get Involved in UAWD

UAWD Committees are open for all UAWD members to join, with the exception of the Steering Committee, which is elected by the UAWD membership.

If you are interested in getting involved in our work and are not yet a member, you can learn more about becoming a member and join today!

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

UAWD Committees

To join a committee, email UAWD at

Organizing Commitee

We are building support for a democratic, militant UAW through organizing our coworkers on the shop floor. Our first task is supporting the contract fight across Big 3 Locals!

Electric Vehicle Committee

We need a worker-led strategy to set the terms of the EV transition, instead of letting our employers call the shots. 

International Solidarity Committee

We are building international solidarity, with a particular focus on engaging with the independent union movement in Mexico.

Education Committee

We organize member education and training ranging from UAW history to union leadership skills.

Diversity Committee

We educate around and respond to all forms of oppression, particularly racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and ableism that affect UAW members.

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Committee Updates

Saving the Post Office and Building Militant Trade Unions

Saving the Post Office and Building Militant Trade Unions

“We’re trying to hearken back to what it was that originally built the labor movement in the 30s — people understanding which side they’re on, that there is a real difference in interests between workers and employers.” UE President Carl Rosen on the Dead Pundits...

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Dave McKenna on Wage Theft

Dave McKenna on Wage Theft

Follow Dave McKenna on Twitter   Something I've learned while in law school is about the social construction of crime.   I work in a legal clinic on wage theft cases, where employers have "improperly paid" workers by not paying, paying below minimum wage,...

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Incorporating labor history in a public history curriculum

Incorporating labor history in a public history curriculum

Public historians have an important role to play in disseminating narratives of American labor history that emphasize the struggles and contributions of workers of all races, genders, and sexual orientations and privilege the experiences of teachers, nurses, and...

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