UAWD has fought hard for and celebrates the record gains in the tentative agreements with the Big Three! From pushing for One Member One Vote, to running reformers like Shawn Fain for the IEB, to supporting Big 3 members taking action throughout the contract fight, our goal has been to unleash the UAW membership to fight for and win record contracts! And that’s exactly what we’ve done.

What comes next is up to YOU, the membership. UAWD is committed to letting democracy take its course, therefore we are remaining neutral on how members should vote on this agreement. 

We have put together a brief report based on our analysis of the hourly White Book at Ford, and are conducting the same process at Stellantis and General Motors. Here’s a brief summary of what we found on the Members’ Demands and more:

We encourage you to attend your local’s rollout meeting(s) and check out the full highlighters and White Books for Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors.

Want to join the fight to rebuild our union at every level? Join UAWD ( and stay tuned for more on how to enforce the contracts if they’re ratified.