Welcome to the third day of the 2022 Constitutional Convention! Yesterday, for the first time in many years, delegates cleared the 15% threshold of votes needed to bring two constitutional amendments out of committee for debate: Reject Tiers and Retiree Eligibility for the IEB, two of UAWD’s priority resolutions. Following impassioned debate, both amendments were ultimately voted down, but it’s become clear that the Administration Caucus is finally starting to lose its grip over Convention.

The debate will continue when the Convention reconvenes on Wednesday at 9am. Later on Wednesday, candidates nominations for the International Executive Board will take place. If you’re a delegate, alternate, guest, or just following along from home, find out important information that you need to know Convention in UAWD’s Wednesday bulletin below—and help us spread the word.

Check back at UAWD Convention HQ at uawd.org/convention for more updates during Convention week.

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